Friday, 7 December 2018

weekly reflectioins T4 W8

This Tuesday our whole school done a physical activity we go into groups with people you dont really work with. The aim of the whole activity is for team work there were many activity's going from water activity's to puzzles and gumboot throwing.
It went for a few hours and after we were done we were all soaking wet. At the end out group got the 2nd most point so out group came 2nd out of the whole school.

There's are my interview questions and goals for 2019 and I hope to get a at least one this year:

Friday, 21 September 2018

PrEP weekly reflections

We have been doing PrEP these 2 weeks.
Our PrEP group is called the Tin Heads, we have 6 people in our group and we are making Galaxy in a jar and tin drums and drum sticks to come with the drums for free we are making tin drums as well you can buy drum sticks alone if one brakes.

What is PrEP?:

PrEP is a marketing service where you can choose your groups (the little people do it in there class's with there teacher), and you can then come up with a name for your own group and all of our group have decided to call out self the "Tin Heads" and we make 3 types of products they are metal bracelets from soda cans and tin drums witch are self explanatory and we are also making galaxy/tornado in a jar
(My Group)

Friday, 7 September 2018

we k6 weekly deflectind

This week I have been doing a activity called "find the adjectives and nouns."

and i have benn doing some descriptive writing!

hope you enjoyed!

Friday, 17 August 2018

weekly reflections

today Mrs Tisdall set us a task to fix up her spelling mistakes and some pictures we had to write about... and its not done

it is not done so keep an eye out of your eye socet for any surprises

Friday, 10 August 2018

weekly post t3 wk7

Hello, my name is Reuben and I will be showing you the work I have done.

Firstly, our teacher asked us to read a poem and draw what we thought it would look like. Here is what I drew...

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

weekllly blog reflection week 5 term 2 2018

today we are reading a book called The One And Only Ivan and i have done a word art about it here it is

Friday, 11 May 2018

term 2 week wekkly reflections

 This week our school had a science fair we had one about plants, and how they can grow in many  different ways and if they actually do need water and soil and air my one was do they need light and we got a weird answer it grew but not propeller it was yellow and it didint have as much stems as the healthy ones. (its kinda hard too see ):