Thursday, 28 March 2019

post 1 weeekly reflections mines afre duary antry 2019

we have been reading a book called mines afire based on a true story about a local NZ mine disaster.
I made a diary entry here is my work: Here!

Author reflection week 9 T1

Today we had the Author of The Mines afire into our class and talk bout the book and answer all of our questions she talked about how long it took to write and what influenced her to write the book.
In this photo she is holding a lamp that if the miners would of used no one would've died .

Friday, 8 March 2019

Wk7 T1 hobby

My favourite hobby is skating. I have been skating for 5 and a half months my favourite place to skate SO FAR is Washington skate park in Christchurch. I am sponsored by our local Surf & Skate shop, I get 20% off all the skating equipment and get some free stuff as well.